
I like to write…a lot at a time. People who’ve worked for me and some of my family know this to be true. A regular refrain I get from my wife is, “Can you just get me the bullet points?” I probably get the general love of putting down thoughts in sometimes long rambling prose from my English professor dad. He was famous for the incredibly lengthy email.

In the past, I’ve run a couple of personal blogs on this domain, with the most content being a string of stories I posted for family and friend from an adventure we had in 2012 walking the Camino de Santiago. I’ll perhaps resurrect that somewhere at some point.

Recently, I’ve taken up posting stories on things I’m interested in and working on in Medium. I’m generally not all that shy about expressing my opinions pretty openly, so I figured to put a bit more of that out into a public venue.

Follow what I’m writing about and join the conversation on Medium.